Course Duration: 35 Hours (Online)


  •  Introduction to SAP BOBJ Tools
  • Introduction to SAP HANA
  • Architecture
  • SAP HANA with BOBJ connectivity
  • SAP BW with BOBJ connectivity
  • SAP Webi reporting tool
  • Universe Designer tool (UDT)
  • Information Designer tool (IDT)
  • SAP Design Studio (on Hana and BW)
  • SAP Lumira
  • SAP Dashboard
  • Crystal reporting tool
  • Administration
  • End to End Project implementation

 Web Intelligence:

Introducing Web Intelligence

  •  BO Architecture
  • Describing Web Intelligence concepts
  • Explaining Web Intelligence core functionality

Creating Web Intelligence Documents with Queries

  • Querying with Web Intelligence
  • Creating a new document
  • Modifying a document’s query
  • Working with query properties

Restricting Data Returned by a Query

  • Restricting data with query filters
  • Applying a single-value query filter
  • Using prompts to restrict data
  • Using Input Control filters
  • Using Report level filter on report
  • Modifying a query with a predefined query filter
  • Using complex filters

Designing Web Intelligence Reports

  • Working with Web Intelligence documents
  • Displaying data in tables and charts
  • Creating tables
  • Working with tables
  • Presenting data in charts

Enhancing the Presentation of Data in Reports

  •  Using breaks and Sections
  • Using sorting and Ranking
  • Using report filters
  • Ranking data to see top or bottom values
  • Organizing a report into sections

Formatting Reports

  •  Formatting documents
  • Formatting charts

Calculating Data with Formulas and Variables

  •  Explaining formulas and variables
  • Using formulas and variables
  • Creating Formulas with Character and Date String Functions
  • Using character string functions
  • Hide a column based on value select in a prompt
  • Concatenating different data types
  • Using date functions

Using Multiple Data Sources

  •  Creating multiple queries in a document
  • Synchronizing data with merged dimensions

Analyzing Data

  •  Drilling in Web Intelligence documents
  • Applying Scope of Analysis on reports
  • Custom Hierarchies
  • Setting Web Intelligence drill options

Working with Advanced Query Techniques

  •  Using combined queries
  • Dynamic visibility of block
  • Creating a query based on another query

Creating Hyperlinks

  •  Working with hyperlinks in Web Intelligence documents
  • Creating hyperlinks in the Interactive panel
  • Linking one report to another report.

Universe Design Tool (UDT):

  •  Understanding Business Objects Universes
  •  Understanding how universes allow users to query databases using their everyday business terms

 Creating the Universe

  •  Creating a universe with single source system

 Building the Universe Structure

  •  Populating the universe structure
  • Defining joins in a universe

 Creating Dimension Objects

  •  Understanding classes and objects
  • Creating classes and objects

 Creating Measure Objects

  • Understanding measure objects
  • Creating measure objects

 Resolving SQL Traps

  •  Resolving Loops in a Universe
  • Resolving loops using aliases
  • Resolving loops using shortcut joins
  • Resolving loops using contexts
  • Resolving chasm traps
  • Resolving fan traps

Using Lists of Values

  • Working with LOVs in Designer
  • Creating a cascading LOV
  • Working with Predefined filters

 Applying Restrictions on Objects

  • Restricting the data returned by objects

Using Functions with Objects

  • Using @ Functions

Using Hierarchies

  • Working with hierarchies

Aggregate Awareness

  • Applying aggregate awareness to objects
  • Applying index awareness
  • Using derived tables

Securing Universes

  • Setting access restrictions on a universe

Information Design Tool :

Key Concepts:

  • Introduction to the Information Design Tool
  • What’s new in SAP Business Objects Information Design Tool 4.1
  • Concept: Navigate the interface
  • Concept: Create a universe
  • Concept: Create a multisource-enabled universe
  • Concept: Create joins
  • Concept: Compare the information design tool to the universe design tool
  • Creating the Data Foundation
  • Creating a Business Layer
  • Resolving Loops in a Universe
  • Applying Restrictions
  • Using List of Values and Parameters

Getting Started:

  • Create a project
  • Create a connection to a relational database
  • Create a data foundation based on a single source relational database
  • Create a business layer based on a single relational data source
  • Publish a new universe file based on a single data source
  • Retrieve a universe from a repository location
  • Publish a universe to a local folder
  • Retrieve a universe from a local folder
  • Open a local project
  • Delete a local project
  • Convert a repository universe from a UNV to a UNX
  • Convert a local universe from a UNV to a UNX

Connecting to Data Sources:

  • Create a connection shortcut
  • View and filter data source values in the connection editor
  • Create a connection to an OLAP data source
  • Create an OLAP connection to SAP BW using BICS
  • Create a relational connection to SQL Server using OLEDB providers
  • Create a relational connection to an Excel spreadsheet or text file using ODBC drivers
  • Create a connection to an OData data source
  • Create an OLAP connection to an SAP HANA view

Building the Structure of a Universe

  • Arrange tables in a data foundation
  • View table values in a data foundation
  • View values from multiple tables in a data foundation
  • Filter table values in a data foundation
  • Filter values from multiple tables in a data foundation
  • Sort and re-order table columns in a data foundation
  • Edit table values in a data foundation
  • Create an equi-join
  • Create a theta join
  • Create an outer join
  • Create a shortcut join
  • Create a self-restricting join using a column filter
  • Modify and remove a column filter
  • Detect join cardinalities in a data foundation
  • Manually set join cardinalities in a data foundation
  • Refresh the structure of a universe
  • Create a calculated column using string values
  • Create a calculated column using a date value
  • Create a calculated column using numeric values

Creating the Business Layer of a Universe:

  • Create business layer folders
  • Create business layer subfolders
  • Create a business layer folder and objects automatically from a table
  • Create a business layer subfolder and objects automatically from a table
  • Create dimension objects automatically from a table
  • Create a dimension
  • Create an attribute
  • Create a measure
  • Hide folders and objects in a business layer
  • Organize folders and subfolders in a business layer
  • View table and object dependencies
  • Create a dimensional business layer from an OLAP data source
  • Copy and paste folders and objects in a business layer

Filtering Data in Objects:

  • Create a pre-defined native filter
  • Create a pre-defined business filter
  • Create a pre-defined native filter using multiple objects
  • Create a pre-defined business filter using multiple objects

Working with Derived Tables:

  • Create a derived table based on an existing table in a data foundation
  • Create a derived table using the SQL Builder
  • Merge tables in a data foundation

Visualizing Data in a Universe:

  •  Run a business layer query
  • Edit a business layer query
  • Run a business layer query with pre-defined filters
  • Profile column values in a chart

Building a Multi-Source Universe:

  • Add a connection to an existing multisource-enabled data foundation
  • View values from multiple tables in a multisource data foundation
  • Run a query using objects from a multisource business layer

Working with Parameters and Lists of Values:

  • Create a list of values based on query results of business objects
  • Create a list of values based on a hierarchy of business layer objects
  • Create a static list of values
  • Create a list of values based on a SQL expression
  • Create an index-aware prompt
  • Assign a list of values to a business layer object
  • Create a parameter
  • Assign a parameter to a business layer object
  • Test a parameter in a query

Resolving Loops in a Universe:

  •  Resolve a loop by automatically inserting an alias table in a data foundation
  • Resolve a loop by manually inserting an alias table in a data foundation
  • Resolve a loop by automatically inserting contexts in a data foundation
  • Resolve a loop by manually inserting contexts in a data foundation

Applying Index Awareness

  • Set up primary key index awareness
  • Set up foreign key index awareness
  • Apply a WHERE clause restriction to a primary key index
  • Apply a WHERE clause restriction to a foreign key index
  • Set up multiple foreign key index awareness

Setting up Aggregate Awareness

  •  Insert aggregate tables into a data foundation
  • Define aggregate aware objects in a business layer
  • Set aggregation navigation in a business layer

Securing Universes:

  • Create a data security profile for connection and query options
  • Create a data security profile that restricts access to specific rows
  • Create a business security profile for query data
  • Create a business security profile for filtered data
  • Assign security profiles to users
  • Assign security profiles to a group

 SAP BOBJ Server Admin

 Understanding Business Objects Enterprise 

  • Working in Central Management Console
  • Promotional Management tool
  • Upgrade Management tool
  • Report Conversion Tool
  • Central Configuration Manager
  • Using Central Management Server
  • Access levels

Creating and Securing Folders, Users and Groups

  • Creating folders, new users and groups
  • Applying security


  • Scheduling objects
  • Scheduling on events
  • Scheduling with business calendars

Application Security  

  • Security applications
  • Lesson summary

 Business Object Dashboards

Getting to know Dashboard/ Xcelsius:

  • Define the purpose of the buttons in the Xcelsius toolbar a of the Components, Object Browser, and Properties windows
  • Make changes to the canvas and access help sources

 Query  as a Web Service:

  • Live Dash boards using Query as a Web Service and Live Office

Live Office:

  • Created through the use of Live Office

Importing Excel files

  •  Describe the best ways to plan your models and set up your source files
  • Differentiate between the file types involved in the process
  • Import a source file
  • Define ways to update your models when your data source changes

Using charts:

  •  Identify the chart components available in dashboards
  • Describe how to link to sources
  • Define when to use data ranges and series
  • Define category axis labels for a chart
  • Use the ignore end blanks option works

Using single value components:

  • Describe how single value components can add interactivity to model
  • Identify the single value components available in Crystal Xcelsius
  • Define how play options can automate the interactive parts of your models

Using selectors:

  • Describe how selectors work
  • Define how to use insert in functionality for selectors
  • Identify the selectors available in Xcelcius
  • Identify the unique requirements including in setting up to select multiple items


Applying formatting:

  • Change individual components
  • Change the font for a model
  • Apply global styles to a model
  • Apply skins to a model

Publishing models:

  • Define the different formats available to publish your models
  • Export to all formats

Setting up dynamic visibility:

  •  Define how to make components visible based on conditions
  • Describe the process for setting up dynamic visibility
  • Identify the options available for dynamic visibility


Crystal Reports


Getting Started:

  • Defining database concepts
  • Planning and developing a report prototype
  • Creating a report
  • Adding tables
  • The design environment
  • Inserting objects on a report
  • Previewing a report
  • Saving a report
  • Conditional formatting
  • Positioning and sizing objects
  • Formatting objects
  • Creating sub reports and Hyperlinking

SAP Design Studio

  • Overview of Design Studio
  • Log on to the Business Object Design Studio
  • Navigate the interface
  • Create an application
  • Add a data source to an application
  • Connect to HANA and BW sources
  • Created dashboards using universe
  • Set up a basic component as a filter  
  •  Display static and dynamic text in an application
  • Design interactive dashboard using HTML and scripting
  • Upload a local application to the Business Intelligence platform

 SAP Lumira

  •  Overview of Lumira
  • Creating reports using Excel Sheets
  • Creating reports using HANA views
  • Creating reports by Universe
  • Manage connections and associated documents
  • Build visualizations
  • Sort, rank, calculate, and filter values in a visualization